
Showing posts from 2019
MERDEKA SALE UP TO 50% from 14.8.2019 to 30.09.2019

Classic Style Of Men's Sunglasses

There are well over 50 different styles of sunglasses for men available on the market today. The most popular types of men's sunglasses styles are listed below Aviator Sunglasses:  Originally designed for the cockpit – this classic style from the 1930s is characterized by a double bridge and a metal frame with teardrop-shaped lenses. Aviators were a big hit with pilots because they offer unrestricted peripheral views. Wayfarers Sunglasses:  An iconic shape introduced by Ray-Ban – this versatile and timeless style has been around since the '50s. The trapezoidal, narrow shape has a rock ‘n' roll charm to it. Round Frame Sunglasses:  Considered a vintage look – circular lenses and frames are a trademark of musicians such as John Lennon, Elton John, and creatives the world over. Clubmaster Sunglasses:  Another classic style, these retro frames have rounded lenses with plastic on top and a wire rim around the bottom. Wrap Around Sunglasses:  T...

How To Select The Right Lens Material For Men's Sunglasses

How To Select The Right Lens Material For Men's Sunglasses    ·          Lenses come in a variety of shapes based on the frame of the sunglasses. Square, round, rectangular and oval-shaped lenses are common. The lenses on teardrop aviators and wrap-around sunglasses for sport have a non-distinctive shape. Lenses are typically made of : Optical Glass  – Optical Glass Lenses provide distortion-free vision. Optical glass is scratch resistant and extremely durable. They tend to be more expensive but the downside of glass is it spiders on impact. Plastic Lenses  – Lighter and more shatter-resistant than glass. A plastic lens is thicker and bulkier and requires an extra coating for scratch proof and UV protection. Polycarbonate  – Polycarbonate is lightweight with a high level of optical clarity. It is up to 50 times more impact resistant than optical glass. The disadvantage is a...

Sunglasses Is Your's Eyes Sharing Partner.

Warm weather is in full swing and the most commonly worn accessories are sunglasses! Nothing looks sportier than topping off that itty-bitty bikini than a stellar pair of shades. More than just an attractive accessory, sunglasses offer several health benefits, which include: SUN EXPOSURE Sunglasses help avoid damaging sunburns. In fact, contrary to what most people believe, it is actually possible to burn one's eyes. This often results in irritation, redness and a gritty feeling that feels similar to having sand in the eyes. LONG-TERM EYE HEALTH When the eyes are exposed to long-term damaging sunrays, the risk of developing glaucoma and cataracts increase. Sunglasses that filter 75- to 90-percent of light, in addition to blocking a minimum of 95-percent of UVA as well as 99-percent of UVB radiation, is the most helpful in avoiding these conditions. Considering wearing a broad-rimmed hat, as this protects the eyes from any light that may saturate the frame's edges. ...

How To Determine Your Face Sharp


Sunglasses and The Benefits

Warm weather is in full swing and the most commonly worn accessories are sunglasses! Nothing looks sportier than topping off that titty -bitty bikini than a stellar pair of shades. More than just an attractive accessory, sunglasses offer several health benefits, which include: SUN EXPOSURE Sunglasses help avoid damaging sunburns. In fact, contrary to what most people believe, it is actually possible to burn one's eyes. This often results in irritation, redness and a gritty feeling that feels similar to having sand in the eyes. LONG-TERM EYE HEALTH When the eyes are exposed to long-term damaging sun rays, the risk of developing glaucoma and cataracts increase. Sunglasses that filter 75- to 90-percent of light, in addition to blocking a minimum of 95-percent of UVA as well as 99-percent of UBV radiation, are the most helpful in avoiding these conditions. Considering wearing a broad-rimmed hat, as this protects the eyes from any light that may saturate frame...


6招選對太陽眼鏡 不合適的太陽眼鏡,讓你的眼睛更容易暴露在紫外線傷害中。 如何辨識劣質太陽眼鏡 太陽眼鏡可以擋掉強光及紫外線干擾,避免眼睛的老化及病變。 然而劣質的太陽 眼鏡,卻可能讓眼睛暴露在更多紫外線傷害中。 首先,沒有抗紫外線功能的深色鏡片,如同剝掉眼睛保護層, 讓紫外線長驅直入,穿透角膜造成傷害。 選錯太陽眼鏡,傷害更大 其次,「太陽眼鏡不是顏色愈深愈好!」專家提出警告, 顏色只能讓光線減弱,但不能阻擋隔絕紫外線。 而且深色鏡片會讓視線變暗,眼睛瞳孔放大, 反而吸收更多紫外線灼傷眼睛,國泰醫院眼科醫生林思源說, 這類情形相當常見。 鏡片顏色不佳,甚至可能造成車禍意外。 2001年香港消費者委員會檢驗市售太陽眼鏡發現, 劣質太陽眼鏡會讓駕駛員出現色差,把紅燈看成綠燈, 增加交通意外危險。 鏡框鏡片變形扭曲引起視覺問題,也不容小覷。 鏡片表面凹凸不平、弧度不均勻、結構不穩定等, 都會影響解析度和視覺效果。 可憐的眼睛被迫調節這些外在視覺的不平衡, 長期下來不但容易疲累,也會出現 頭痛 ,甚至散光等情形, 嚴重影響視力健康。 尤其高中以下學童眼睛尚在調整發育階段,不良鏡片影響更大。 對於各類眼鏡相當有研究, 中華民國眼鏡發展協會常務理事陳豐祥指出。 歐美國家對於太陽眼鏡都有嚴格品質把關,民眾可以安心選擇。 但國內沒有相關檢驗單位, 良莠不齊的太陽眼鏡種類從百元到數千元,消費者該如何選擇? 太陽眼鏡並非愈貴愈好。無論是眼鏡專家或醫師都表示, 太陽眼鏡能達到保護效果最重要,有時候價格貴在框架設計或品牌。 想要選到安全又價格合理的太陽眼鏡,消費者應該考慮以下幾點: 1.一定要有抗UV功能 太陽眼鏡不是顏色愈深愈好,是否有抗紫外線功能才是重點。 一般透明鏡片也可以做到抗UV效果, 譬如樹脂鏡片可以阻擋多數的UVB(約92%)。 但太陽眼鏡最好還是選擇紫外線過濾率達99~100%。 可以看看鏡片上是否有UV400的小標籤, 這表示鏡片可以過濾掉400mm以下的紫外線光, 陽明醫院眼科醫師王孟祺說。 目前太陽眼鏡最普遍的做法是, 將鏡片浸泡在抗紫外線的化學溶液中,使鏡片產生抗紫外線功能, 因此幾乎所有的眼鏡(多層膜除外), 都可以請店家幫你做抗...

How to take care your sunglasses

X-SUNZ SUNGLASSES Seven Tips to Take Care of Your Sunglasses Prevent scratching. There's nothing worse than scratching your new designer  sunglasses . ... rubbed a smudge off their glasses with a shirt tail, sleeve, or tissue? Such materials can be too rough and/or be embedded with dust particles or debris that may scratch the coating Clean properly. Another important tip to  take care  of your  sunglasses , is to clean it properly. ...try to use microfiber cloth Don't wear your sunglasses on top of your head. ...the screws holding up your sunglasses will loosen and it can easily fall off. This can also damage the nose-pads. Handle with care . ... used gently two hands to put on or off your sunglasses Avoid excessive heat . not keep it in the car or under the hot sun. Use a hard case . ... keep it in the sunglasses casing. Sunglasses and beach time . .. used suitable sunglasses for difference occasions, read my recommen...

Your Desire Brand

Your Desire Brand

Salam Ramadan Daripada X-SUNZ

X-SUNZ mengucapkan Salam Ramadan

Waktu Berbuka Puasa Hari 10.5.2019


Salam Ramadhan

Salam Ramadhan X-SUNZ ingin mengucapkan Salam Ramadhan, Semoga muslimin dan muslimat sihat walafiat

X-SUNZ 19th Anniversary Celebration Free sunglasses

X-SUNZ is celebrating 19th Anniversary in this coming May 2019.Please watch out for many gifts is giving away.

Sterling Silver Bangle

Sterling Silver is the quality standard for silver in the United States, Europe, and most world markets. It's alloy make up is 92.5% silver, and the remaining 7.5% is usually copper. Other metals have to be added to sterling silver to increase the hardness of the alloy - making it more durable and creating a color and luster that entices consumers. Sterling silver's appearance is the silver color we are most familiar with. It's bright and shiny, but it can tarnish. You can delay your sterling silver pieces from tarnishing, but you cannot always prevent it. It's easy to clean and maintain with cleaners and polishing products. Sterling Silver Bangle  Sterling Silver Bangle Sterling Silver Bangle Sterling Silver Bangle Sterling Silver Bangle

Will I damage my eyes if I don't wear Sunglasses

So now it includes seeking shade and sliding on sunglasses to further reduce the risk of UV-related damage. This emphasises the importance of protecting eyes – and the skin around them – from UV radiation. Short-term effects Prolonged exposure to the welder’s arcs without eye protection can cause photokeratitis. from Briefly exposing an unprotected eye to UV rays usually won’t cause any symptoms. But prolonged or intense UV exposure without eye protection (including to the sun, welder’s arcs, snow and tanning beds) can cause a condition called photokeratitis. This can be thought of as sunburn of the cornea, the clear window on the front of the eye. UV rays cause death of the outermost layer of cells of the cornea. This results in severe pain affecting both eyes, which begins six to 12 hours after exposure. Treatment involves oral painkillers and antibiotic eye ointments (to prevent infection of the damaged cornea) while waiting for t...

Your Dream Of X-SUNZ

X-SUNZ X-SUNX online

Your Choice of Fashion


Price is not the indicator of the quality of the Sunglasses

Always remember that price is not an indicator of quality sun protection. CBS News actually did a study comparing cheap sunglasses ($5 a pair) to high-end brands like Versace ($200 a pair).  All 31 pairs carried claims that they offered excellent UV protection… and all but one (a cheap pair) actually did.3 In other words, if your sunglasses claim to offer good UV protection, they probably do. But, if you're uncertain, take them in to an eye center.  Most  will test the UV protection level of your sunglasses for free, and it takes less than 30 seconds to do so.


X-SUNZ 白天開車,記得戴上太陽眼鏡 開車時經常被路面的刺眼反光弄得張不開眼?試著戴上太陽眼鏡, 你會發現視線變得柔和舒服,而且看得更清楚。 晚上開車則要取下太陽眼鏡(或改成黃色鏡片), 以免視線過暗影響安全。 疼惜太陽眼鏡的小偏方 好不容易選到一副合適又喜歡的太陽眼鏡,該怎麼保養, 讓它陪你長長久久? ▲以雙手取下或戴上,可避免鏡架變形。 ▲切記不要放在車裡,車內高溫容易使太陽眼鏡變形。 平時不用最好收在眼鏡盒。 ▲汗液沾附會減少鏡架壽命,可用中性洗劑如沙拉脫或肥皂等清洗。 ▲清潔鏡片時,先把灰塵拍掉,再用軟布或眼鏡布輕輕擦拭。 勿用粗糙表面的布品,以免刮傷鏡片表面。 ▲特別提醒:水銀鏡面太陽眼鏡, 最好不要用中性洗劑以免破壞表面。可以用清水沖洗,紙巾拭乾, 再用軟布擦拭。(資料提供:中華民國眼鏡發展協會陳豐祥、 視光師張藍尤)


X-SUNZ 選錯太陽眼鏡,傷害更大 其次,「太陽眼鏡不是顏色愈深愈好!」專家提出警告, 顏色只能讓光線減弱,但不能阻擋隔絕紫外線。 而且深色鏡片會讓視線變暗,眼睛瞳孔放大, 反而吸收更多紫外線灼傷眼睛,國泰醫院眼科醫生林思源說, 這類情形相當常見。 鏡片顏色不佳,甚至可能造成車禍意外。 2001年香港消費者委員會檢驗市售太陽眼鏡發現, 劣質太陽眼鏡會讓駕駛員出現色差,把紅燈看成綠燈, 增加交通意外危險。 鏡框鏡片變形扭曲引起視覺問題,也不容小覷。 鏡片表面凹凸不平、弧度不均勻、結構不穩定等, 都會影響解析度和視覺效果。 可憐的眼睛被迫調節這些外在視覺的不平衡, 長期下來不但容易疲累,也會出現 頭痛 ,甚至散光等情形, 嚴重影響視力健康。 尤其高中以下學童眼睛尚在調整發育階段,不良鏡片影響更大。 對於各類眼鏡相當有研究, 中華民國眼鏡發展協會常務理事陳豐祥指出。 歐美國家對於太陽眼鏡都有嚴格品質把關,民眾可以安心選擇。 但國內沒有相關檢驗單位, 良莠不齊的太陽眼鏡種類從百元到數千元,消費者該如何選擇? 太陽眼鏡並非愈貴愈好。無論是眼鏡專家或醫師都表示, 太陽眼鏡能達到保護效果最重要,有時候價格貴在框架設計或品牌。 想要選到安全又價格合理的太陽眼鏡,消費者應該考慮以下幾點: 1.一定要有抗UV功能 太陽眼鏡不是顏色愈深愈好,是否有抗紫外線功能才是重點。 一般透明鏡片也可以做到抗UV效果, 譬如樹脂鏡片可以阻擋多數的UVB(約92%)。 但太陽眼鏡最好還是選擇紫外線過濾率達99~100%。 可以看看鏡片上是否有UV400的小標籤, 這表示鏡片可以過濾掉400mm以下的紫外線光, 陽明醫院眼科醫師王孟祺說。 目前太陽眼鏡最普遍的做法是, 將鏡片浸泡在抗紫外線的化學溶液中,使鏡片產生抗紫外線功能, 因此幾乎所有的眼鏡(多層膜除外), 都可以請店家幫你做抗紫外線的加工處理。 【消費小幫手】 一般眼鏡店都有測試紫外線的儀器,可請店員幫你做鏡片測試; 另外,鏡片袋也會說明是否有抗UV功能。 一定要請店家開立鏡片保證書,確認鏡片規格及抗紫外線功能。 不願開保證的店家,最好少碰為妙。 2.灰、棕或墨綠色太陽眼鏡最好 灰色是公認最好的太陽眼鏡顏色。 因為灰色鏡片對各顏色波長吸收均勻,不...